Top Business Ideas in Dubai to become a Millionaire

Top Business Ideas in Dubai to become a Millionaire

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The United Arab Emirates as a land of prosperity and affluence is full of opportunities. Dubai is not only a popular travel destination, it presents a thriving economy and business-friendly atmosphere. That’s why people want to follow lucrative business ideas in Dubai to make money in 2024.

Both foreign and local investors are coming to Dubai for turning their dreams into a reality. Dubai welcomes visitors from all corners of the world with open arms. With a culture that is amiable for expatriate business owners, Dubai has something for everybody.

The government of the UAE has built a business culture and modern infrastructure that is successfully attracting the foreign investments. Dubai is among the most sought-after destinations for business owners and entrepreneurs from around the globe.

Dubai as a business heaven for everyone

How has Dubai become a business hub for everyone?

Dubai is not just a vibrant city in the UAE, it is a hub for entrepreneurs from throughout the world. With its famous monuments, opulent resorts, business potential, and advance-level technology; Dubai attracts millions of tourists and entrepreneurs annually. These are some factors that are leading to an increasing demand for residential and commercial real estate in Dubai.

  • Strategic Location: Dubai’s positioning at the crossroads of East and West offers global connectivity, that’s ideal base for businesses to expand reach.
  • Business prospects: Expo 2020 further solidified Dubai’s position as an international hub for innovation and investment. Dubai presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs to launch their business ventures. The city abolishes the requirement for foreign nationals to have a local sponsor when establishing a mainland business.
  • Govt’s progressive policies: Dubai’s government encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, providing easier access to resources, funding opportunities, and a network of business individuals.
  • Tax advantages: They include 0% personal/corporate income tax, minimal import/export duties, and supportive ecosystem with government initiatives, co-working spaces, and business accelerators.

10 best Manufacturing Businesses to Venture in Dubai

The manufacturing sector of the UAE is flourishing significantly, with a forecast of 34% growth. This advancement presents significant opportunities for entrepreneurs, leading to a surge in manufacturing companies in Dubai. Here are some profitable manufacturing business ideas in Dubai to capitalize on.

  • Metal Manufacturing
  • Automobile Manufacturing
  • Textile Manufacturing
  • Food and Soft Drink Manufacturing
  • Aviation Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Cosmetics Manufacturing
  • Renewable Energy Equipment Manufacturing
  • Medical Instruments Manufacturing
  • 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

Now, we briefly discuss these high-performing manufacturing business ideas in Dubai.

Metal Manufacturing

The UAE is known as the land of gold, with a 29% market share in the global gold trade. Dubai offers multiple options for dealing with gold, including producing jewelry and precious ornaments. Abu Dhabi, and Dubai are famous in the world for manufacturing and buying gold bars.

UAE’s metal industry is primarily driven by the manufacturing of aluminum and steel. The Al Taweelah Alumina refinery is one of the first in the region, investing approximately AED 3.3 billion. UAE’s steel production hit 3.2 million metric tonnes in 2022.

Automobile Manufacturing

Dubai’s automotive industry is a profitable investment opportunity due to its focus on electric and autonomous vehicles. Automobile sales in the UAE are forecast to double between 2021 and 2026, reaching over half a billion units. The after-sales market for vehicles in Dubai will reach 0.29 billion AED by 2024.

Textile Manufacturing

The prime position of Dubai in the MENA region makes textile manufacturing and retail businesses profitable and sustainable. Textile industry will grow from 0.23 billion AED in 2023 to 0.86 billion AED by 2028 at 6.78% CAGR. Dubai’s textile sector offers a wide range of products including curtains, child safety seats, luggage, and trendy fashion.

Moreover, woven goods such as knitwear are among the best-selling textile items. Textile industry contributes significantly to Dubai’s GDP, has a large Emirati/expat customer-base, and sells to 50+ countries. The annual 16 million foreign visitors arriving in Dubai contribute to the retail growth of fashion/apparel items.

Food and Soft Drink Manufacturing

Dubai’s growing food and beverage industry provides numerous business opportunities for entrepreneurs. More specifically, the specialty cafes offer unique brews and treats, while food trucks cater to the city’s on-the-go population. Likewise, healthy food delivery services cater to health-conscious customers.

Aviation Manufacturing

The UAE is opening its horizons for aerospace manufacturing and maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services. EDGE Group and Mubadala Investment Company are spearheading the aviation and defense sectors in Abu Dhabi. Dubai as a global aerospace hub is set to launch the world’s first urban air taxi service by 2025.

Plenty of airshows in the UAE are proving the growth of aerospace industry. Infrastructure development and aircraft hangar services, and ground services on Dubai and Abu Dhabi airports have a great scope. Dubai’s Sky Dome initiative of 2020 has brought investors in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and drone services for transport, airfreight, and logistics.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

UAE’s pharmaceutical industry is experiencing growth due to population growth and healthcare awareness. Particularly, investments in the pharma businesses are helping Dubai in becoming a regional healthcare hub. Pharmaceutical manufacturing is a highly profitable side hustle in Dubai for expats, who have experience in the medical sciences.

The revenue in the pharmaceutical sector is forecast to increase by 1.64 billion AED between 2023 and 2028. Consider the drug research laboratories, and the impact increases manifolds. Pharma manufacturing and disease diagnostic centers are greatly improving the health facilities in Dubai and the UAE.

Cosmetics Manufacturing

The cosmetics industry in the United Arab Emirates is set to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% by 2025. Accordingly, the low-investment business idea of cosmetics manufacturing in Dubai offers significant potential. The high number of tourists visiting Dubai annually, makes it an attractive investment opportunity for investors seeking quick profit.

Renewable Energy Equipment Manufacturing

The UAE is investing in renewable energy equipment to meet its sustainable future vision and cater to global demand. With several projects, the country aims to generate 8.8 gigawatts (GW) of clean power by 2025. Dubai’s government is set to spend 10.69 billion AED in green energy projects.

Medical Instruments Manufacturing

The UAE is transforming itself into a medical tourism destination. UAE’s government offers incentives like tax exemptions, subsidies, and regulatory reforms to attract foreign/local investors in the healthcare industry. Dubai’s medical device manufacturing industry is attracting investors due to its expanding health sector.

Medical technology market in the UAE will achieve a revenue of USD $2.88 billion in 2024. Revenue in the medical devices market segment in the UAE will reach USD $2.45 billion in 2024. Whereas, the digital health market in the UAE is set to reach USD $626.10 million in 2024.

3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

One of the emerging business ideas in Dubai and broad UAE is 3D printing. Dubai is embracing 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies, due to their potential to transform traditional manufacturing processes. By 2030, the city of Dubai aims to become a global leader in the 3D printing industry.

The 3D printing sector is set to triple in size between 2020 and 2026. Whereas, the additive manufacturing market has a projection of 24% growth between 2023 and 2025. Also, the supportive ecosystem of Dubai for 3D printing innovation is attractive.

10 lucrative Service-based Businesses to Invest in Dubai

Now, coming to the point: How to start a business in Dubai that attracts the attention of the masses immediately?

To answer this, let us shed some light on some wacky, unique, way-out-there- business ideas that believe it or not only work but are profitable.

We know that some of these business ideas might make you shake your head in utter disbelief, while others will make you exclaim out loud,” Hey! This might actually work.”

And as we have stated earlier that Dubai being the land of business and investment opportunities, these ideas will not only work but as you will have lesser competition, these businesses will churn out profits sooner rather than later.

Secret of Finding a Niche Market

Before we get down to business, let us first address the elephant in the room. How or why do these wacky business ideas work?

There is no big secret behind their success,it is just that these business ideas have somehow managed to successfully connect with an under-served group of people (customers)– which in layman’s terms is also called a NICHE MARKET.

That being said let these unique business ideas inspire you to find a niche market of your own in Dubai.

Wacky ways to make money in Dubai

Broken Dolls Repair (Hospital) Shop

Staring with possibly the wackiest, most out there business idea there is: Doll repair and restoration . Basically, what happens at such an establishment is that, a “doll doctor” — an expert who is equipped with the skills required in making the necessary repairs will “treat” the doll, whether the doll needs new parts sculpted or replaced or if it needs a costume change all amenities are provided here.

Don’t be alarmed if this business idea is’ ‘ too unique” for you. To allay your fears let us assure that this business idea is indeed viable and in fact the oldest doll hospital was established in Lisbon Portugal in 1830.

The American Girl Doll store has an in-house Doll repairing service in Dubai that is currently operational in the UAE.

So, if you love dolls and have the skills to fix them, then doll repair might just be the business idea for you.

Head Lice Removal

This business idea is certainly unique and there is a market for it in Dubai’s business landscape which no one has tapped yet.

Because let’s face it head lice are out there—and there’s a 50% chance that some of them may decide that your child’s head is their new home!

Fortunately, ( or rather unfortunately in the parents case) this need to get rid of head lice immediately has given rise to businesses that offer head lice and nit removal services.

In the UAE not many people are in this business, which gives you a chance to jump in to set up your business in Dubai in this particular niche.

Mannequins for Sale or Rent

We were not kidding when we said that we will give you unique business ideas for setting up a business in Dubai. If you thought we were please review the above mentioned wack business ideas we have presented so far!

Now, on to the next: Have you ever wondered where all those mannequins that you see in retail stores come from?

Obviously, someone is making them. In a mannequin factory. So that is the first business idea that uses mannequins as their focal point.

But here we are submitting another mannequin-themed business idea, which is quite economical as well.

You can build a company in Dubai, that sells and rents out –second-hand– used mannequins to aspiring fashion designers, fashion students and tailors. And if you really want to up the ante you can sell household decor items that are fashioned from these mannequins, like mannequin leg lamp or mannequin hand candle-holder. Now, that is some out of the box thinking!

Cat Cafés

Another unique business idea that you can implement to start your very own small business in Dubai is Cat Cafes.

As we all know, spending time with animals is soothing for both the mind and the body. And if for some reason you can not keep any animals at your home then you can easily go to businesses that have them.

A good example of such a business is cat cafe. Cat cafes are places where customers go to unwind and relax by drinking tea or coffee and petting the resident cats. These cafes have long been popular in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan so much so that in order to enjoy it is advised that you make reservations ahead of time.

With the recent influx of chinese and japanese expats arriving in the UAE, these cat cafes might feel like a home away from home making them frequent your establishment more often. Thus, it will be a win-win for both the clients and the business.

Read MoreFive Tips to Come Up with a Winning Business Idea.

Mowing Goats

As global warming is on the rise, several multinational giants are taking steps to curb this extreme environmental event. Google is at the helm of this revolution, it is playing it due part by employing methodologies that are helping our Earth. For instance, it uses goats to mow its lawn and field around its California headquarters.

Mowing Goats are known to be more eco-friendly than the standard pesticides and weed whackers.

In this era where large conglomerates are obsessed with maintaining an environmentally-friendly image this might be the business idea for you.

Bed Bug Eradicator

If you have the misfortune of staying at a hotel or a youth hostel ridden with bed bugs, then you already know that there is a market for this business idea.

You can provide bed bug removal services as well as you can sell bed bug barriers that can stop the little critters from crawling into the bed. As these barriers trap the bugs from creeping into the bed while their occupant sleeps.

Final Words

Starting a business in Dubai or anywhere for that matter is seldom easy, but it can become a lot easier when you plan on doing something fun, or something you really care about. The leading entrepreneurs all emphasize on doing something you are passionate about—maybe we should listen to them!

If you are ready to set up your business in Dubai, then give KWS Middle East a call.

We will take care of all the tedious details of setting up a business in Dubai, leaving you to focus on expanding and growing your business.

Contact us and book your commitment-free consultation call today!

Or just email us your queries at : to know about all of the services provided by us- we will be happy to assist you!

Published By Salman Saleem

Senior SEO Expert At KWS ME

The user-centric business setup and support focused content of KWS Middle East is driven by SEO professional Salman Saleem.

Setup a business in UAE

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